Andrew gives entertaining and informative talks to groups and at festivals

Please note that during 2024-5 Andrew is offering less talks due to book commitments and talks already booked in, particularly if they involve long distance travel outside Shropshire, though there will still be some slots available. Talks can be either 1 hr with questions or in two halves to suit camera clubs. Please note that all zoom talks are 1hr plus questions. As an OM SYSTEM Ambassador, Andrew sometimes runs 1 to 1 and group sessions online on how to get the best out of their OM kit. Please contact Andrew to discuss.


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'The images were stunning and after 20 years with the club this was probably the best talk we have had on nature photography.'

Howard Broadbent, Chairman Newport Photographic Club

'Rarely have I heard such a positive reaction to a guest speaker at Gwynfa. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the evening, not only your wonderful photos but also your very entertaining presentation style.'

Leigh Woolford, Gwynfa Camera Club

'Without a doubt it was the best night we have had at the club for many years.'

David Britton, Downend Camera Club, Bristol 

'Your photographs are beautiful and literally breathtaking.'

Sally Yates, Chetton & Glazeley WI

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